
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

{ragamuffin beauties}

I could not be more excited to FINALLY have my Etsy shop open!

Okay confession time.

I have been working on this shop for some time.  A long time.

I bought a sewing machine about two years ago and it sat unopened for a few months.  Then I decided to see what I could do and have slowly taught myself to sew with the help and guidance of a family member or two.  Even before sewing I dabbled with making bows, jewelry, etc.  I never thought I would actually be able to create a business out of my creative heart's hobby.  But here we are, a few missed deadlines later and she is open for business.  I kept thinking everything had to be perfect before I opened and then life happens and suddenly I realized I just had to go for it. So a little creative genius from my friend Becca at Jumping Jax Designs to create my Etsy banner logo and Etsy button and I was good to go!  I've stocked the shop with what I have ready to go, but I have tons more rolling out and will update the shop as it is ready.  I would love to be your handmade vendor this Christmas, as well as, for your future handmade needs.  If you have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to ask!

I would love your support for my new business and appreciate any way you can help!  If you have a blog and would like to add my ETSY button the code, leave me a comment with your email address and I'll send it over.

Ragamuffin Beauties Button

If you need help installing it, let me know.

If you have a Facebook account, please LIKE Ragamuffin Beauties here:

I will announce giveaways, promotions and discounts on my Facebook page, so you will definitely want to follow for that info!
You can visit my Sister-in-law, Melissa's blog for the very first Ragamuffin Beauties giveaway here.

And of course, go check out my shop HERE!  Shop til your hearts content!

Shop handmade!

XOXO Jenni

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! It looks great and so do your products. I added you to my "Support These Mom-preneurs" link on my side bar.


leave me some love...i eat it up