
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

{lame sauce and an explanation lucy and ricky style}

lame sauce = me

explanation = long time a 'comin...and just in case you missed that, flashback Lucille Ball (crazy hilarious and CLEAN humor...I heart) and Ricky's AWESOME accent always asking for an explanation.

Anywho, I am in fact alive and well.  I am buried under mounds (maybe not mounds) of fabric.  I decided to FINALLY open my ETSY shop I've been dreaming, hoping, praying...ahem buying materials for....let's just say a loooong time.  So big day, Friday November 5th!  Hmm, not so much, how about Wednesday November 10th?  Yeah, that's a big deuce on the not so much.  So it might make sense to let my social media peeps know right?  Can anyone say savvy business women fail?  So, here I am in all my not equip to run a business, but I'm gonna try to anyway glory.  My Shop, Ragamuffin Beauties will open THIS in November 12th!  Aggggh, anxiety sets in.  Truth is I just need to jump.  So Friday I will open the store, post my store Button on here, post my store Facebook page and let her ride.  I will also announce some giveaways I have lined up.

So get ready for some handmade goodness promotions and a whole lotta need to post several posts so get ready to get sick of me overload.

I also may need a Grammar and or English class or two...just keeping it real.



  1. Ooh, exciting! I can't wait to see your shop.

    I have a shop for my pictures with a header and nothing else. One day I'll get past what's holding me back and actually open it.


leave me some love...i eat it up