
Monday, October 25, 2010

life made lovely {mail}

I {heart} mail.  I love letters, cards, goodies, packages...good 'ole fashion UPS goodness. I typically receive something fun everyday.  Well, at least fun to me.  A freebie, a coupon, an ETSY loveliness either I've purchased or won, a card of love from a friend or family member, and the occasional bill and waste of paper political ad. (side note...raise your hand if you are OVER all these political ads. A to the MEN)

Back to your regular scheduled program.

Course, I would have to blog regularly enough for anything to be regular around here.


Anywho, I also love, love, love craft swaps on blogs.  You never know who you will get paired with and what you will's a lot of fun to give and receive.  I participated in a swap at Amanda's blog Every Crafty Endeavor for a Fall swap.  I {heart} Fall and loved the idea of sharing some of my Fall faves!  I got paired with Ami at Ali Lily.  First of all her little one is adorable!  And she made me the most adorable Fall wreath.  I'm really, really, really loving rosettes right now so it was PERFECT.  She even included a bracelet for me and everyone in our sweet is that!  Check out her blog at the link I provided to get a better shot of the adorableness that this wreath is!

So what did I send her?  Well, take a look...

* I love candy corn.  I know I'm kinda alone on that one, but paired with salty peanuts it is one tasty treat!  

* Bath and Body Works goodies...who doesn't love a bubble bath in the Fall. 

* Candles. I love baked good scents for Fall, my fav is Pumpkin Spice!

* Starbucks Gift Card!  I can drink hot coffee year round and LOVE the Pumpkin variations that Starbucks releases exclusively in the Fall!
* And a jersey knit scarf.  I actually made this one.  I love scarves and would be trendy and wear them all year long, but I can't do a scarf in the Texas heat...just can't do it.  It turned out pretty cute, so I hope Ami loves it!

So how about you like mail?  What is your favorite mail day?  And what lovelies do you love for the Fall? 

I'm trying my best to get back into the swing of blogging, bare with me as I get the blogs I write in my mind everyday posted.


  1. you know i love me some snail mail ;)
    i want some details on the scarf you made. was it easy/ will you create a tutorial for us? pretty please?

  2. OH MY GOSH!!! I am SOOO EXCITED! I can't seem to eat enough candy corn I LOVE THAT STUFF!! I LOVE CANDLES! I can't live without Starbucks!!! I am obsessed with anything from Bath and Bodywork' seriously I am! and....I've been checking out some scarf tutorials on the net and it's really awesome that I now have one made just for me! Thanks Jenni! YOU ROCK! :)

  3. BTW I linked back to this post from my wreath post! :)

  4. Oooh! Such a fun thing to do. Snail mail rocks! Thanks for linking up to Mailbox Monday.

  5. I'm jealous! I want this!!!!!
    What a fun package!!!!

  6. I love some mail too! I have only done one swap, but it was so much fun. My favorite mail day is when a new magazine comes. It means an excuse to relax and get some great ideas.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to steal any ideas you see. That's what they are there for!

  7. Umm, did you change your blog address back again?!?!? Were people really that thrown off?

  8. What a fun idea!! Love that wreath!


leave me some love...i eat it up