
Monday, September 20, 2010

{Life Made Lovely with my Sissy}

My sweet friend, Heather hosts a weekly link up to showcase the lovely in our life.  I love that!  An intentional reminder to enjoy your day, your week, your life.  To embrace and document the sweet moments big and little.

28 years ago God blessed me with one of my very best friends, my sister Jackie!

Being the only girls in what seemed like a sea of boys we were buds growing up.  It wasn't until we both got married and became Mamas that our true friendship blossomed!

We have weathered many storms together and have never left each other's side.  We are completely ridiculous together and laugh harder together than with anyone else, with the exception of our hubby's.  We love each other's kids like they are our own and pray for a day when our little girls that look just like us, will be besties, too!

When we were little Jackie couldn't say sister and ever since we have affectionately called one another Titters.  It sounds funny, but the weight of that word makes me tear up.  It's a reminder of the love only we share for one another and the promise that we will always be there...through thick and thin.

Titters I am so proud to be your sister!  So thankful for every laugh, tear, hug, kiss, memory, boob pinch (sorry TMI, just keeping it real), memory, and even the fights.  Each one has shaped us and our relationship and I am a better person because of it.  I pray this year you run even faster after Jesus with a desire to earnestly serve him.  I pray your marriage continues to build and grow and weather any storm it encounters and come out stronger.  I pray your babes rise up and call you blessed and honor you the way you deserve because of the incredible Mom you are.  And I pray we don't waste one moment in this last year we have together before you move. I love you most and always will!

And here's a little shot of some crafting I was able to accomplish this the way huge shout out of thanks to my amazing hubs who left Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon with the babes so I could refresh and have some time to myself.  It was amazing and I highly recommend it!

This is the shirt I made for Jackie's bday gift.

Here's a close up on the flowers.

Hope you enjoyed my lovely and remember to embrace and enjoy yours!



  1. happy birthday to your sister!! what a wonderful gift your relationship is to each other!!! and that shirt is too cute. thanks for linking up friend!

  2. What a beautiful post. The gift you made your sister is just lovely but I suspect she'll cherish these words even more. Sisters are such a blessing.

    My cards arrived today. Thanks so much. I look forward to using them to encourage others.

  3. I sure hope that my girls have that kind of sister bond-what a gift that is!

  4. What a sweet, sweet post! I know your sister will treasure these words. I had a unique relationship with my sister who I lost a year ago yesterday. She and I were complete opposite ends of the spectrum but were close in a way only she and I understood. The love I had for her was like no other - only a sister would understand - and I miss her terribly but I am so thankful for the gift of her life for almost 29 years of my life. Thanks for sharing your heart and bringing these emotions to the surface for me. You're a blessing!

  5. i love reading your blog! And i love all your fabric!!!

  6. What a wonderful tribute! I love it! (and you)!

  7. I can totally relate to the cherished sister relationship. Sisters are such a blessing. I absolutley ADORE the shirt you made. LOVE those flowers. Love the sweet words about your sister....even the boob pinch! :)


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