
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

{POST: a blogger social}

I had the lovely opportunity a few weeks ago to join two of my sister-in-laws, Chelle and Melissa for an awesome Blogger Social, adorably named POST by it's hostess' with the mostess' Beth at hello, splendor & Kelly of fabulous k.

The event was perfection.  Simple, sophisticated and swag...need I say more?  It was held in Dallas at Nest, an adorable boutique with the most amazing finds with an eclectic variety of  modern, clean lines, and a touch of indie edge.  That is of course my very uneducated opinion of an ultra posh store that in any other instance would have made this handmade thrifter feel like a fish out of water.  Knowing my roots I steered clear of picking up glass, eating the cupcakes, and drinking anything near...well anything. 

I loved the idea of playing a little game of Scavenger Hunt, linking up five things you loved from the store.  What girl doesn't love playing pretend shopping spree?  Here are a few of my favorites.

Are these not all GORGEOUS!  I die!  Truth be told I did not look at price tags on these beauties, but if we are going merely on adorableness, I could see all five of these lovelies in my home.  I may or may not have already chosen daydreamed of where I would put them. 

And if the eye candy and company wasn't enough...feast your eyes on the amazing Swag from equally amazing and generous sponsors.

Sorry for the grainy quality I was going for a chic look...hmm sort of.  My absolute favorite was the darling necklace, Vintage Love Birds from Vintage Pearl.  Swoon!

It was a great night for sure and cannot wait for my next blogging event!

Tootles, Jenni

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