
Monday, August 15, 2011

{Life Made Lovely}

This season has been a journey.  Aren't they all.  I feel that lie creeping in where I'm convinced I have lost my identity in the mundane.  But the truth is that the mundane is the everyday and the everyday is important.  I was so excited to be able to stay home when we chose to homeschool.  The only problem is I have been trying to create this happy little existence of what I think I want.  When I realized I was already living my happy little existence and sometimes it's many hours in the kitchen.

And in the kitchen I find...
a collection of lovelies to remind me to be thankful,
multiple aprons to spill flour with sweet faces,
a fun framed print from Target (less than $ jealous!),
and sweet words I 'borrowed' from Meg to motivate our hearts. 

I have a lot of growing to embrace and I'm ready.



  1. This is a great reminder! It is funny that this morning during my quiet time, I thought about the book, The Ragamuffin Gospel, and then I went to Life Made Lovely and saw your name. I had to visit!

  2. Oh thank you for sharing this reminder with us today! Just what I needed... now off to do dishes and laundry and thank Jesus for this chance to live the everyday ministering to my family.


leave me some love...i eat it up