
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

{Happy Birthday Bella!}

I cannot explain the joy it is to be this girl's mother.  She challenges me in ways that I could never fathom.  She loves passionately and gives freely.  She has a permanent twinkle in her eye and grin on her face.  She is a beauty to behold.

Ten years ago I stared down at her willing my face to show the love in my heart.  I'm a bit of an impatient one and knew months before that she would be a precious baby girl, but when her big brown eyes gazed back at me I was overwhelmed that she was...just as more perfect than I imagined.

I love that our family cherishes her.  
I love that she is a mini me, the constant mother, the rough and tumble girl her Daddy always hoped for.

I love that it was her big brother who led her in the Salvation Prayer at four and her Daddy who baptized her.

I love that she is content to be herself, secure, content, grounded in the Holy Spirit.

I often tell her

...of course instead of person, I tell her she is my favorite daughter.  She giggles and tells me she's my only one and I nuzzle her nose and tell her she's still my favorite.

This is one of Bella's very favorite songs and I love it's message!

Happy happy birthday Bella Boo, we love you so very much!


1 comment:

  1. happy birthday to your sweet girl! my mom used to say that i was her favorite (only) daughter, too! :) you are blessed to be her mommy.

    and i'm still going to email you that bible study. promise. haven't forgotten! haven't started it yet, either.


leave me some love...i eat it up