
Monday, December 20, 2010

{YOU did it!}

You, You, You, You , You, You (Kathy Kelleher) , You , You (Angela P) , You, You (Mandy Cozby), and You all DID IT! You and 176 other amazing people, built a well in a week! $5,762 in donations to be exact! You took an opportunity to give and gave a tremendous gift.  A gift that while monetarily may have been small for your family or a huge sacrifice, will be lasting for a community.  Not a person or even a family...a community.  Can you imagine for just a moment what that means for not only the immediate families in that community, but the generations that have a new story written because you allowed God to move.  And move he did!  I tried my best to believe for the full well, but that pesky little voice crept in and out this week...yet God was faithful and I for one am rejoicing for a well for sweet little one's like this guy...

picture from Jody Landers
Couldn't you just squeeze him?
Thank you for helping me learn from my unbelief.  I am so very thankful to have been a small part of such an amazing accomplishment!    Thank you for every donation to Charity:Water, thank you to every sponsored giveaway item, than you for every social media blast, and thank you for every prayer.  The work isn't over.  Now that we are aware and we have grabbed a hold of this burden for water, it's time to be diligent with prayer. Please continue to pray for this effected by unclean water, for the staff of Charity:Water, and for the donations so desperately needed for more communities who need the precious gift of water.
And congrats Nic,

you are the winner of my Charity:Water giveaway! 
I will email you details on your prizes soon, sorry for the delay it has been a nutty day. 

And if YOU gave and entered my giveaway, please send me your address for a little something from me.

PS Still have Charity:Water on your heart?  Purchase some last minute Christmas gifts form Water4Christmas, an etsy shop benefiting Charity:Water. Or continue to give, the Project 320 Well Page will be open through the end of the year.  And lastly pray how you can get involved...I plan to host another giveaway next year and would love to partner with YOU again!

Merry Christmas dear friends!

1 comment:

leave me some love...i eat it up