
Friday, December 17, 2010

{God is good}

I bawled in the shower this morning.  I let the warm rush of water break the drop in temperature that chilled my house over night.  I stood there as the water hugged the racks of my sobs.  And as quickly as the tears came I shut off the water and jumped out, feeling guilty.  A lot of my time spent in my daily shower is spent with God.  I pray over my day, get my thoughts in order and try to get my heart in tune with his.  Today I know he met me and I was overwhelmed. I prayed for Project 320 and the sweet babies Charity:Water helps and was struck by how readily available water is taken for granted in our culture.  I stood in my shower overcome with grief only to waste more water as I stood there.  The irony was not lost on me and I pray it is not lost on you.

Wouldn't it be amazing if Charity:Water could build wells like this in each African community that has a need.

picture from Charity:Water

Wouldn't it be awesome if an African Mother never had to have her children fetch water for their family here again.

 picture from Charity:Water

Wouldn't it be a beautiful Christmas if together we could give this simple gift

to this sweet little boy.

Well we can and we are. Project 320's goal for another well this Christmas is 50% funded and I need your help to fund the remaining 50%. I know Christmas is a week away and everyone is busy wrapping, and baking, and making memories.  Amidst all the busyness this season brings would you pause and pray with me.  Would you pray how you can help Project 320 and Charity:Water?  Maybe God will nudge you to pray, maybe give, maybe nothing.

I also wanted to encourage you.  Charity:Water is an organization that pulls on my heart.  But just because it pulls on my heart means I can afford to financially give to their cause.  When I knew it was getting close to Project 320's 2010 launch I starter praying about how much if any I was supposed to give and felt strongly it was $50.  Looking at my budget I also knew it wasn't there.  In faith I prayed God would show me what to do. Wednesday I was starting to get anxious.  Late Wednesday night I was on Twitter and another blogger tweeted she was looking for baby gifts.  Long story short she ordered from my shop and her total was $50. I trust God is in control, but apparently sometimes I get a little impatient in the waiting.  I am so thankful for his provision for our family to contribute in a small part of what Project 320 is doing.

I am thankful for all who have given of their talents to push my Charity:Water giveaway to over $500 in value and I would love to give it to one of my readers.  There are still 19 other bloggers with giveaways open to benefit Charity:Water, as well.  Please let us bless your willingness to give with an entry into one of these amazing giveaways.  And if you want to enter my giveaway, but also donated, enter anyway and I'll hold a separate drawing for your prize if you win.

Here's a video from Charity:Water to give you vision for what this amazing organization does.

Ready to get involved?

First, visit Project 320's Charity:Water Well page.
Then check out my giveaway and the others, select where you want to enter your donation.
And then pray and spread the word!

Give, Pray and Drink Water.

{God is good, all the time.}


leave me some love...i eat it up