
Friday, January 1, 2010

Thirty for Thirty

I turned THIRTY on Monday.  Whoa!  Not that thirty is this huge's just that, this particular birthday crept up on me.  The past few years have been littered, sprinkled with a lot of maybes, eventually's & sometime soon's. So this will be THAT year.  That year that I stretch, grow & preserve because I will have a plan.  A thirty for thirty.  So here it is with all it's accountability glory!

1.  Read the entire Bible in 90 days, 
starting January!

2.  Sky dive with the Hubs.

3.  Lose at least 30 pounds.

4. Write the little girl we sponsor through 
World Vision, once a month.

5. Take one solo overnight or day trip 
each with Caleb, Bella, 
my Mom & sister, Jackie 
& all by myself.

6. OPEN my Etsy shop & sale 
MORE than 30 items!

7. Study Spanish & Guitar, weekly from the 
selection of How To CD's I own. 

8. Blog daily, even if it's a snippet 
(or scheduled post).

9. Monthly SCHEDULED date nights 
with the Hubs and the kiddos.

10. Memorize one scripture a week.

11.  Volunteer with the kids once a month.

12. Establish traditions like: Family game night, 
Family movie night, etc.

13. Make (as much as possible) all gifts 
I give for any occasion this year.

14. Treat others the way I want to be treated.  
Prefer my spouse.  Speak Kindly.  Love wholly.  
Mark others with the peace of the 
Holy Spirit living in me.

15. Write my pen pal bi-monthly, 
and add friends & family.

16. Ride on the back of my husband's motorcycle
for at least a 20 minute trip.  Eeek!

17. Save & purchase a Canon Rebel!

18. Reupholster the chair in my living room!

19. Hospitality...playdates, luncheons, 
dinners, Girls Night out, the works!

20. Remember Romans 12:12, 
" Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, 
faithful in prayer." on the hard days.

21. Exercise for thirty minutes, every day.

22.  Do SOMETHING (other than getting in the car) 
outside EVERYDAY...
preferably with the kiddos!

23. Be consistent with evening devotionals with Randy.

24. Learn to knit.

25. Run a mile, without stopping!

26.  Donate my hair to Locks of Love.

27. Take a family vacation, by car, that requires 
traveling through more than one state.

28. Intentionally become Randy's helpmate with 
every opportunity & with joy in my heart.  
Especially in the garden.

29. Take really cool family photos (after losing 30+ lbs.) 
in a pasture or wooded area.

30. Give each day to the Lord to design , plan, 
orchestrate & fill with peace that 
He has my best in mind!

With Love at THIRTY!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUITFUL!!! I thought about you all day on your birthday! I would LOVE to take you out and celebrate!

    I think the world of you! You are an humble woman, always willing to grow.

    You are a devoted wife and mother. I love how your have made your family a priority!

    Im praying you have a most excellent year and you succeed with all your 30 items!!
    HAPPY 30TH!!! XOXO

  2. OH, and I love love love the pictures! You are still just as cute as you were then!! ;)

  3. LOVE you Tressa...SO game for time with YOU sweet friend, tell me when & where & I'm there!

  4. Happy 30th Birthday! I hope this is the beginning of a decade of great joy for you.

  5. Wow, Jen, that is an aggressive plan! I'm exhausted just reading it, however, God is faithful and He will give you what you need to accomplish all. Happy belated birthday and many blessings to you and your family this year!

  6. I LOVE this list. I am so inspired!!

    (thanks for the great link the other day)



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