
Saturday, January 2, 2010

More for 2010

Along with my Thirty for Thirty plan I have some other ideas in the works or rather other's ideas I'm running with.  

I plan to 'blog' a pic I snap every day for the next 364 days of 2010.  
That we will call Project 365

I also want to mark this year with a verse and word(s) that I commit to hold onto.  

My verse will be: 

Romans 12:12, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. "

My word(s) will be:
Peace & Joy!

I want my days to marked with PEACE to know the Lord walks before me, after me, with me & carries me.  I want to live a life that places Jesus first, Others second, Yourself (me) last.  

So here is a pic from New Years of Bella & one I shot today of Caleb.

With Love, Peace & Joy!



  1. a great idea for 2010 to do a photo for each day. I think I will try it. It might help my blogging too. Yetserdays photo will have to be my new slippers. will put it on today. thanks for the tip. I will link your blog into mine. happy new year x

  2. HOW FUN!!! Maybe I should try it to inspire me to keep taking pictures! LOL. I have hit a slump ... mainly b.c it has been nasty outside OH and I am constantly ACTIVE with Bear! LOL Hard to hold a camera AND Play baseball! LOL I too will link my blog back to you! :)

  3. thanks jenni. have a blessed 365 photo days too.

  4. you've inspired me to do my own 365. my husband is always telling me that i should take atleast one picture a day of the kid(s) but it's sooo hard. so, i started another blog, "my 365", where i'll be posting those pics. thanks for the inspiration :-)


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