
Monday, November 24, 2014


i'm not one to get anxious over turning another year older, but this mary oliver quote has stirred in me a lot this year.

it has provoked an inner dialogue of how to practically apply that to my life. is it a big risk? big plans? calculated or off the cuff? is it out loud or silent? with trembling fear or tears of great joy? i think it's all that and more.  so often i feel myself stuck because the steps to get to the end seem so insurmountable that i'm frozen in time, never moving forward, but actually dragging behind.  god has made me for so much more. and so, with very little money to press on and a whole lot of heart i dreamed a dream (name that movie) to sprinkle kindness to celebrate 35 years. 35 days to celebrate my 35 years in a hope and prayer that it impacts a ripple effect of love in me, in my kids, in my home, in my community, and beyond.  because why dream small when the sky is the limit. so today marks 35 days until my birthday and i will share a list of ways to spread kindness, random acts of kindness (raok) that my family will be taking part in.  there is no prize and there are no rules, but i'd love to see you share the journey.  i'll be posting my progress on my instagram account and if you take part i'd love to see your snapshots of offering kindness, so be sure to use the hashtag #bday35raok.

here are a few options for printables to accompany some of your raok:

find here:

and the list.  feel free to comment with other ideas.
  • knit hats for carenet, crisis pregnancy center 
  • donate blood carter bloodcaree
  • signup for the glow campaign's glow crew, two powerhouse little world changers campaign to let their light shine
  • become an organ donor, talk to your family about your decision and encourage them too
  • gift for an unsuspecting server at a a restaurant you frequent, ours will be our sweet shannon at world cup cafe <---- locals go try it!
  • blessing bags for the homeless
  • infinity scarves for waco center for youth, or your local center for youth
  • treats for neighbors
  • treats for local fire department
  • gift for local public school librarian, my elementary librian ms. b is still at it so we will be surprising her!
  • decoupage heart rocks to randomly scatter at a local park
  • random happy mail.  letters // cards // gifts
  • handmade gifts for god's newest and most delicate gifts our local nicu
  • rainbow loom bracelets...still working on a recipent
  • fabric bookmarks for local librarians
  • handmade bookmarks to slip into random library books/local bookstore
  • give out water bottles to your family for christmas with a note indicating you've donated to charity water in their name
  • donate to the joyful life library
  • postman treat
  • garbage collector treat
  • increase monthly giving to organization(s) like mercy house kenya
  • world vision/compassion catalog gift
  • water to local city workers or warm beverage and hand warmers
  • hot beverage and or snacks to bus patrons waiting at bus stops
  • post it note encouragements left on public bathroom or dressing room mirrors
  • volunteer to be a salvation army bell ringer or bring a volunteer a treat
  • donate to wounded warrior project, send a car to a soldier or sponsor a care package
  • toys for tots donation
  • donate to angel tree a ministry through prison fellowship to provide gifts to children with an incarcerated parent
  • local food bank donation 
  • operation christmas child, you can donate online to cover a box &/or the cost of shipping boxes
  • handmade gifts left in public place with  note to take one
  • flowers or small gift to widow or shut in
  • take balloons or bubbles to a park and pass out to kids (with parents permission)
  • pay for the driver behind you in the drive thru or tape gift cars to places like sonic drive thru or redbox
  • invite a friend over for dinner
  • take a friend dinner
  • donate old blankets or towels to local humane society/animal shelter
  • make a anonymous donation on someone's walmart layaway
  • send boxtops to a needy school (address at bottom of link)
  • tape quarters to laundromat washing machine and dryer
  • tape quarters to vending machines at grocery store
  • donate to the ronald mcdonald house
  • volunteer to read at a local public school or library
  • tape individual microwave popcorn packages to a redbox dispenser
  • donate diapers to mothers in need
i wanted the acts to be attainable, but tangible.  i wanted my kids to be a part of the process and the doing and the giving, in hope that they also receive the joy that comes in giving. here's to 35!


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