
Monday, May 28, 2012

{What The Baby Books Don't Tell You} A Guest Post at Life ReArranged

When Jeanett first asked me to write this post I thought she was cray cray.  ME? The girl who hasn't blogged since...ahem December? And then I heard a small voice say, yes You.  You have something to impart to other Moms. And then another voice began to argue with that voice. A back and forth discounting worth and wisdom. It's a game I like to play.  It's called talk yourself out of anything that temps the boundaries of your comfort zone. I purposefully have yet to read the other contributions, because I knew I would lament about whether or not I measured up to these other Moms. Moms who I've journeyed with for years.  Some knowingly some unknowingly.  I've mourned with, prayed for, laughed til I cried, jumped with joy, all the while carrying them in my heart.

So as I pondered this concept Jeannett proposed, What The Baby Books Don't Tell You, my first thought was oh no what in the world do I talk about.....I never read those books.  You see my husband and I were welcomed into parenthood by a beautiful baby boy as teenagers and unmarried.  He 18 and I 20, were young and in love and barely able to manage a check book.  Okay let's be honest, we couldn't do that, so why in the heck were we bringing another human being into this world? What I've learned over the last twelve years of mothering is His plan is greater no matter the decisions we make to muck it up.  He is good, all the time, no matter what.

I'm giving away two great books on Jeanett's blog, details to follow my post.

But the awesome Wendy Hagen also provided a copy of her awesome & signed book 'Totally Desperate Mom' to provide for one of my readers!  

And because you rad readers have stuck around throughout my ridonkulous hiatus, it's up for grabs to you!  Here is how to win:

1) Leave a comment on THIS post.  (1 entry)
2) Share this post via Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest…there’s even buttons down below to make it easy!  (1 entry max.)
3) DONATE to Life ReArranged's fundraiser for Charity Water.  (1 entry per dollar.  Unlimited entries!)
One winner will be chosen and announced by next, Monday, June 4th.

Giveaway closed.

Daisy Fuentes Dronen you won, Wendy Hagen's Totally Desperate Mom!
