
Monday, August 22, 2011

{Life Made Lovely}

I'm a big girl, that's not news to most of you.  I haven't always been overweight, but as the babies came so did the pounds.  And as the babies grew, so did Momma.  Not exactly the plan, but soon it was effecting my health and not at all manageable. I have an amazing husband who loves me and has never made me feel less than beautiful, but when he suggested the Paleo Diet...I knew it was time.  Researching it we found it would actually help me with my Multiple Sclerosis too. That is what you call win win folks. 

We spent the weekend ramping up, by eating or tossing the food on the no no list. Picking me out a sweet new set of wheels and rocking helmet to match for some family style exercise.  Stocking up on fruits and nuts, and portioning out our approved snackage.  Making sure all our vitamins were well stocked.  Replacing the batteries in the food scale.  Weighing ourselves for a starting weigh in.  Locating a food diary and prayer, prayer, and some more prayer.  Did I mention prayer?

Funny enough today was a breeze on the diet front.  No caffeine withdrawal headaches yet, although I did allow myself a cup of tea with 2 teaspoons of raw sugar.  And that pic in the right corner was my monster lunch that was super delicious and filling...that one shocked me! {I cheated a little with the veggies, so the fresh produce we had on hand wouldn't go to waste.} Randy was super cute, calling frequently to check up on me and encourage me. I am super proud of us. I am CRAZY proud of myself!  The closest I have ever been to dieting is fasting and I am no champion of that feat either.

I may not be sharing stats and Biggest Loser photo ops, but I will be sure to keep you in the loop of my success...because I WILL succeed!

Remembering this verse to carry me through it:

"Do you not know that your body is the temple the very sanctuary of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received as a Gift from God? You are not your own, 
You were bought with a price purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made His own. 
So then, honor God and bring glory to Him in your body."
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Amplified

 I'm also sharing a pretty vulnerable post here, on why my kiddos told me I cuss more.  Yeah not my finest moment, but that truth is leading me to Jesus and that is exactly where I want to be.
{100 pounds lighter no less!}

Linking Up:



  1. awesome! you should be proud of yourself!!!

  2. way to go!! i am super proud of you, too! xo
    and you are adorable with your new bike! xo


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