
Friday, June 17, 2011

{Joplin, Blankets & Craft Night!}

Well, {Shop for Jop} came to a close this week and I didn't do a very good job of getting the word out.  With online sales, local sales and a little extra to get a 'round' number I will be donating $25 to World Vision.  It's a small donation, but I was so blessed by those who bought and so humbled to give. I don't have a affiliation with Joplin or even know someone who was directly effected by the devastation, but my heart  hurts for those hurting. I know God can use the $25 I am giving, but I also know I have more to give.

I'm teaming up with my sweet friend Christie to make blankets for the littles who were effected by the tornadoes. We have decided to ship directly to a contact we have with James River Assembly of God who will hand deliver them to tornado victims. We wanted this to be a project anyone could do no matter their skill level so we are suggesting Fleece No Sew Knot Blankets. These two tutorials are great examples with very simple directions.

I went ahead and made one using a solid Mustard and a colorful robot theme.

I love that these sweet blankets will bring comfort to a little who is experiencing so many changes.  The familiarity of a blanket for a little one is such a precious gift!  I was reading a blog post where a Momma's vehicle was stolen, and of all the items in the vehicle including the vehicle itself, she was most upset about losing the handmade blankets her quads received in the NICU.  This was a total motivator to get on the ball with this project!

Christie found a great deal on fleece at our local Joann's and fleece that is regularly $9.99 is on sale for $3.99! The sale only lasts til Saturday, so we decided to act quickly.  

I am hosting a Craft Night at my house 
Monday, June 20th. at 6pm.  

This is open to all locals, so shoot me an email at carlisleclanconversation{at}hotmail{dot}com 
if you are interested for a headcount and directions.  

The idea is for everyone coming to make a blanket for Joplin Tornado Victims.  Each blanket (if made for a little one) will only need two yards of fleece.  No sewing required and we will walk you through each step.  Christie and I are asking that you pay for the shipping of each blanket you make, which will roughly be $4.  We are also open to donations.  You can either make the blanket yourself and we can email you the address to mail it or you can send funds via paypal (email for details) to sponsor a blanket and we will make it and ship it out.  To ensure the blankets are delivered at the same time, we ask that all blankets be made and shipped no later than June 30th.

I also found a fun tutorial to make using flannel.

We are open to whatever you want to do.  If you sew and want to make one using your own tutorial and different material...go for it!  If you are a mad skill quilter that can crank one out lickity split...then go on girl/guy!  We want this to be a blessing to you and the babes, I know if I was Momma of a blanket recipient it would bless me immeasurably to know someone was thinking and praying for my littles.

And because we also want craft night to be fun for YOU, we will be making Fabric Covered Button Earrings too! That might turn out as cute as Mique's!

And because dessert is always fun, how about some of these: 

...because Julie's recipe is to die for! So who's in and what dessert are you bringing?



  1. Perfect! I linked this post to my blog post!!! I'm going to link it up on Facebook! Great job! You're awesome!

  2. I want to come!!!! I hope those ladies know how lucky they are to be so close to you.


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