
Friday, May 20, 2011

{InstaFriday...and a little giveaway}

Apparently, Jeannett claims to be the rule maker for InstaFriday... I guess since it's her link up {whatevs} ...and told me on Twitter it doesn't count if I create my post in my head.  So here ya go, here's our week in pictures....

We had sweet cousins in town so we decided a picnic and park date was required. 
Sadly I only got pics of my kids...terrible I know.

I love that this guy still loves being a kid...

And how she poses, even when she is adamant that she doesn't want me to take her picture.

My sewing machine actually got some action...mind blowing I tell you!  
I had to invite my favorite companion too...
Isn't my cup and coffee cozy adorable?!?! 
Truth be told typically I would totally have Dr.Pepper in it 
{can I get an amen Mique?}, but I was sipping Peach Tea...yum-o!

Shopping with these:

for this yummy bounty
is much more enjoyable...don't 'cha think?
{Yes, I posed the produce..I would have made them smile if I could.}

And look at this Mommy's muncher...

...I just wanna nibble him!

And because I wouldn't be doing myself justice, here is some random....
  ...wait for it...yes folks salt.  
I lovity, love, love kitchen stuff!  
I found this gem for $2.50 to hold my sea salt and I'm smitten.  
I know, I'm a weirdo...and I'm okay with it.

I'm still working on that Creative Estates post, but in the meantime I still have some Shutterfly Photo Book Codes leftover from our sponsorship...who wants a free book?  Leave a comment and I will pick a winner and announce in next week's InstaFriday post!



  1. Found ya on InstaFriday :)
    Your sea salt croc is a-dorable! And those lil' tosies in the cart are just too cute!

  2. okay missy. that is the cutest little salt holder i ever did see! and i'm learning to sew in two weeks. i'm excited!

  3. Hello!
    Love your pictures and love your sea salt holder!
    Enter me, please!

  4. I thought you were gonna giveaway that salt holder :)


leave me some love...i eat it up