
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

{15 fill ins}

One of my favorite bloggers Meg, from Whatever recently linked up a post to her blog where she was interviews by Marta Writes in a series called fifteen fill-ins. I love it, so I copycatted.

:: no matter what mood i'm in, i can always go for :: Chinese: egg drop soup, Beef & Broccoli on brown rice, Cheese Wonton..yummers! ...or... Subway, cuz I'm random like that.  My favorite is the Sunrise Subway Melt!

:: my favorite go-to outfit would have to be ::  Summer Dresses over a white T-Shirt, sandals/flip flops…preferably my comfy Reefs and some Allora Handmade!

:: a good source of inspiration is:: etsy, Big Cartel, Pinterest, blogs, blogs, and more blogs!!!!

:: am so glad my parents taught me :: to love deeply, no matter what

:: a song i like to dance to is:: today, U2 Beautiful Day

tomorrow it could be Van Morrison, Brown Eyed Girl

or maybe this sa-weet Lego video of Toby Mac's Tonight

and a bunch of other random genres, I'm eclectic like that...maybe I'm just random.
:: i wish everyone knew about ::  Jesus, his goodness abounds!

:: the best thing in my makeup bag is :: my eyelash curler…I’m blessed with long lashes, but they are TANGLY! (is that a word?)

:: my dream spring break vacation spot is :: with hubby, alone, beach, no plans

:: this may be a surprise, but i am passionate about :: 1. encouragement, I love to pour into others 2. prayer, nothing like crying out to the Father for those I love!

:: a favorite book that changed me for the better :: One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voskamp 

:: one of my pet peeves is ::  movies or ppl who use ‘GD’…ugh really I’m not perfect but is that really necessary?  Ohhh, and unnecessary cussing in movies…clean it up por favor.

:: my favorite daily ritual would have to be :: yeah, I’m not gonna lie, I am the world’s worst at routine.  At some point we pray, learn, love, eat, and sleep. Sometimes we even throw in crafting for good measure.

:: i am trying to be better at ::  patience with my kids AND hubby, quiet time, prioritizing & (shocker) making& sticking to a schedule.

:: the most recent rad thing i found online was :: Pinterest…it can be a time suck, but I’m looooving a one stop shop to store all my online loves, crushes, and as my SIL likes to say covets! ( Let me know if you need an invite!)

:: i can't live without :: my hubby, he inspires me to love deeply, laugh hard, & enjoy life! my babies, who show me more of Jesus everyday and love me unconditionally!

So what are you 15?



  1. not a surprise AT ALL that you are an encourager. and i would KILL for tangly lashes!! i still need to read ann's book... ;)

  2. um yeah.. so we have several in common. eyelash curlers, awesome husbands, beach time, pinterest, summer dresses,and not being very scheduled oh and jesus of course. ;)...but i am not over the moon for subway though. ;) and ann's book is onv my need to read list as well.:) have a happy soon to be weekend!! :)


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