
Monday, November 22, 2010

{life made lovely: so much goodness}

These last few weeks have worn me out.  
In a good way .  
Lots of family time, crafting time, being in the moment...great stuff.
Opening my shop has been a whirlwind, trying to figure out what being a business owner is all about and how to make it successful.  I have had no shortage of support and it has made me feel so incredibly loved.  First my awesome sister-in-law offered to host a giveaway for me on her blog Melissa Stuff. I got my first ETSY order and have gotten three custom orders from family and friends!  I have several fans on my Ragamuffin Beauties Facebook page, which is awesome, because I was sure it would be comprised of just family.  A sweet bloggy friend, Janet posted about several Mom-Preneur's and included me on her post and gift shopping guide!  Today my sweet friend Heather offered to feature my shop in a giveaway on her series, Life Made Lovely and her shopping thankful.  I adore Heather for her generous nature and sweet friendship!  Then on Twitter, my sweet friend Shealynn of SheyB gave my shop a shout out!  Topping it off my kindred spirit friend, Julie, let me guest post in her sweet series, Joy's Hope hearts.

My cup runneth over.

I am blessed and I have loved feeling loved.

So thankful.

My heart is so, so, so full.
 I am most thankful for my sweet nephew Mason Tyler making his debut last Friday...he is already a crowd favorite!  
Thank you, thank you, thank you for everyone who has visited my shop, made a purchase, entered a giveaway, placed a custom order, blogged/tweeted/facebooked/social media'd of any kind promoted it...I am blown away by your kindness.  It isn't over, because my beautiful and very pregnant friend Rachel, is due any day now and will be hosting a giveaway dubbed the Labor Day Giveaway and I will be part of that too!  Please keep me in mind for all your handmade needs...I would love to create something special for your someone special!



  1. Congratulations on your new adorable shop!!
    Best wishes and many Blessings!

  2. YOU Are fabulous! I hope your beautiful shop BLOWS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in a good way).
    love you,

  3. What an adorable little nephew!
    Congratulations on starting up your shop and all the support you've been getting. You have a lot of cute stuff to offer. I hope things continue to go well for you.

  4. i second what rachel said! in a really good way!!


leave me some love...i eat it up