
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Encourage One Another

Today is the National Day of Encouragement...what a great idea!  I had no idea that such a day existed until I started reading the daily blogs provided by the website (in)courage. Each contributor has blessed and encouraged me every time.  I love the idea of a group of women with different giftings working towards the common purpose of glorifying the Lord through encouraging other women.

The website just celebrated a year of (in)couraging and a 30 Day giveaway.  I was able to snag some encouragement cards from Dayspring's new  Hope and Encouragement line from one of these giveaways.  (in)courage gave them away to encourage their readers to encourage others.  Of the ten cards I received I wanted to highlight one cards participant, my friend Kat.  Kat is the author of the blog Inspired To Action. And her blog does just that, inspires others into action.  Specifically Moms.  She shows you how to take an ordinary life and make it extraordinary.  She doesn't concentrate on crafts and recipes, she concentrates on your heart and fulfilling the purposes God has called us to.  I love it and I love her!  I pray the card I choose for her shows her the impact she has made on my life, although I am sure it will pale in comparison to what she has given to me!

Dayspring also offered a free encouragement card at their many retailers through today to also motivate us to encourage others.  When I went to pick up mine, my local retailer said I was the only person who had come to request one. So instead of offering me one card they offered me THREE packages.

My guess is there are anywhere from 25-50 cards in each pack.  I love cards, but this is too many cards for even me!  So I want to celebrate today with my very first giveaway!  Here are the details:

Two winners, with each one receiving one pack of the card image you see above.  You are free to share or send all of them out to encourage others!

You can submit one entry for each of the following, but in order to qualify you must leave a comment on this post for each entry.

Entry One:  Follow my blog, by selecting the follow me button.
Entry Two: Follow Kat's blog Inspire To Action
Entry Three: Follow the (in)courage  blog
Entry Four: Tweet this giveaway & include @jennilynncar in the tweet
Entry Five:  Blog this giveaway

Now truth be told I will have no idea if you complete entry two or three, but it will be up to you to follow the honor system.  I promise following either blog will truly be a blessing!  Giveaway ends Tuesday, September 14th at midnight CST and I will announce the winners Wednesday, September 15th.  Good Luck and go out there and encourage someone today!

"Encourage one another and build each other up."
1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV

Be blessed and incouraged!



  1. Yay! I get to be the first commenter on your first giveaway.

    I am a follower.

  2. oh boy! a giveaway! I follow (in)courage. I can't go by my friendly neighborhood Lifeway to get a packet, as they're closed on Sunday (go figure) :)

  3. I am following your blog now! :)

  4. Okay, for the life of me, I can't find where to follow the (in)courage blog. I searched all over and I must just be missing it. So, I just subscribed to email. Does that count? :)

  5. what a great first giveaway! i follow your blog!

  6. Ok, I'm entering!!! Love you!! Make me win!!!

  7. I follow your blog!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. I follow the InCourage blog with my Google Reader!

  9. Great giveaway. I follow your blog.
