
Thursday, August 5, 2010

CSN Review #2

I blogged about an opportunity to review an up and coming site, CSN back in May and then I posted a follow up in July.  My experience was bittersweet.  I loved the site, I loved the customer service reps, I loved the product I chose...but some of the policies were a little wonky and that frustrated me a bit.  Always one to give some one another a chance I was eager to give them another try when a CSN rep contacted me to do another review.

So I thought the best way to do that was to start with fresh eyes and review all the site had to offer. To give me some inspiration, I pretended I had money to spruce up my house. If I had some of that pretend money and could change something  about my house I would start with the kitchen.  It's a galley kitchen and a tad cramped.  The biggest hurdle is the tiny space allotted for our kitchen table, which happens to be near the washer and dryer.  Given the space for a larger dining room set, I would be interested in this one.

There were lots of dining room sets to chose from,  but I loved all the details on this one. I love the bench, the criss-cross back of the chairs,  and the fact that it has cushions...which I would recover.

Moving on to the living room, I would replace our TV Stand with an actual armoire

I am in LOVE with this armoire! To be honest if I could afford this beauty I would keep it exactly the same and work my living room around the paint color...this would mean a COMPLETE redo!

And since I have my parents bedroom set from when I was growing up, that would be next on the list.

I would love the ceilings AND budget to afford this one....four poster bed = to die!  Guess I loved my childhood bed more than I remembered!  This set is gorgeous and HUGE... I would definitely need to gut and expand our master to make it work.

Whew, that was quite therapeutic!  Shocking that I was able to window shop without money and enjoy it!  I will be honest and say that given the budget I would probably STILL not have any of those gems as the hubby would surely VETO 'em!
Guess, I'll have to some back to reality with my next CSN purchase, I'll keep you posted with what I pick.

*Full Disclosure: CSN Stores contacted me with this promotional opportunity. I am being compensated for my review concerning my personal experience with CSN Stores.

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