
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Craftaholics Anonymous: Christmas in July Gift Exchange

Is this not ADORABLE!?!?  I love decorating for the holidays, I love the USA, and I love me some Carlisle's! Kelly must have just read my Memorial Day tribute post, because she was right on the money!  Kelly and I both participated in Linda's Craftaholics Anonymous' Christmas in July craft exchange.  Linda is super talented and posts the best craft tutorials.  She is so popular she had to host a US & International giveaway!  I was excited to see all the crafty goodness that would be swapped.  Can't wait for another one!


  1. That is an awesome gift and I just love the necklace you sent me! I can't wait till the next gift exchange in November.

  2. Awesome blocks!! What a great gift! Thanks for linking up and showing off your gift! I love seeing what everyone made :) The next gift exchange is in November, I hope you sign up!
    happy crafting,


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