
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Carter Bear is THREE!

This amazing little boy is my nephew and it's his  

That may not seem like a big deal, but this little guy beats the odds every single day!  If you haven't already read his story, I highly recommend you do.

Here are some pictures from the last time I saw our trooper.

Since then he spent quite a bit of time back in the hospital in Boston only to come home and have some more stays at a 
hospital in Dallas.

I can't wait to celebrate his AMAZING life this Sunday, but today on HIS 3rd. birthday would you like to join in by 
celebrating his life?

For his THREE years of life I would love it if you would prayerfully consider doing one or ALL THREE of the following:

1.  Go to his website and leave him a special birthday message.

2.  Donate to his paypal account for their growing hospital bills and expenses.

3.  Consider being an organ donor, so some other family can 
celebrate each and every birthday with their loved one!

4. AND  of course ONE to grow on!  Please continue to pray for Carter's health!  Pray for his Mommy, Chelle that worries so for her little man.  And pray for (my big brother) his Daddy, Sean that is still seeking employment to support his two biggest fans.


  1. Beautiful little boy! Will be praying for him as well as his amazing parents!
    Happy Birthday Carter!

  2. Prayers, prayers and more prayers for Carter and his family! What a precious, strong little boy!


leave me some love...i eat it up