
Sunday, May 30, 2010

CSN Review

So one of the things I have been trying to do in the last several years is save money.  I know, I know so is everybody and their dog.  But really intentionally trying to save money.  It is not, let me repeat NOT easy for me.  I am not what I would consider a high maintenance gal, but I love to shop.  I especially love to bargain shop.  In these last two years of being home I have to practically put into practice the art of saving a buck.  I have nearly mastered the art of grocery shopping, but I'm starting to branch out.  Online shopping has become a bit of a treasure hunt.  Whether I'm on the hunt for TV stands or a Salad Spinner, CSN seems to be the spot for great deals and variety.  I, like most Mommas are busy.  I love the opportunity to shop in the comfort of my own home in jammies.  Why not, be able to do it all in one place too? CSN is one such opportunity to shop from 200 online stores in ONE website.  Definitely is a time saver too.

So, I'm off to shop in the comfort of my jammies and find something I really want, umm need for the Carlisle Casa!  Ciao!

*Full Disclosure: CSN Stores contacted me with this promotional opportunity. I am being compensated for my review concerning my personal experience with CSN Stores.

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