
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Showing some ETSY love, baby!

Okay, so most of you are familiar with EBAY, but have you heard of the competition? As, in no store bought taste here. Grade A, mostly American made, greatness! ETSY is the online protege of EBAY, only better. Like homemade better, baby! I'm getting excited just typing about it! So, here is my gift to you. Everybody, this is ETSY. ETSY, this is everybody. Here are some of my favs, so far:

Bought this awhile back and it was love at first sight! You can buy it from A Window Into Whismy, or one of her other delightful creations!

Loved when the mailman brought me this fabric goodness. Sorry it's the kid in me I had to have it!
You can find this and other yumminess at
Joy's Hope. She also has a lovely blog, also named Joy's Hope.

It's a coffee sleeve/coozie! Check it out @ Red Owl Designs.
I bought an awesome monogrammed one!

How about this perfection at Creative Bee?  Is this not precious!?!?

Umm, amazing. Amen.  I love GeeZee's work!

I definitely have a damask fetish, but is it not adorable!? Krispy Banana is just a precious shop!

Check out this onesie!  I love Hot Mamas Cool Babes!

Such cute bows!  Take a look at Little Bow Head to score some great stocking stuffers!

Now that I made the introduction, go forth and shop with gusto!

shop handmade, 

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


God is SO good! Coupons have been such a blessing to our family over the last two years that we have been able to actually put a dent in debt, give more, & argue less. I think the last reason may be my favorite!  Lately I have been blessed beyond measure with coupons, because I know God knows my heart, my desires, and my needs.  He knows my spending patterns and my love language, too!

Along with my regular deals and great buys I have received these coupons (all within the last month):

* $40 1 800 Flower Gift Certificate
* 9 $5 ($45) Hallmark Gift Certificates
* $10 Victoria Secret Gift Certificate
* $20 Children's Place Gift Certificate
* $15 Lane Bryant Gift Certificate, with FREE panty coupon & 40% coupon that both could be used with GC!
* $10 JCPenney Gift Certificate

This are just the ones that made a huge impact on gifts and items we needed!  I also received freebie coupons for items like 4 free Cokes, a free box of Hostess cupcakes, 2 free International Delight Coffee Creamers to name a few!

The amazing part is knowing that God speaks to my heart because he meets a need in my coupon love language!

We purchased a coat last year for Caleb that shortly after been worn a few times was left outside for our dog to destroy.  As a lesson in taking care of our things and the value of money, we made him 'purchase' a new one.  Because Texas weather is ever changing the weather was warm enough to for go the coat and they were no where in sight in the stores.  Knowing I would probably have to purchase a more expensive coat I gave up looking.  This Fall I saw a beautiful wool pea coat at Children's Place with a hood and toggle buttons.  Perfect!  $65...whoa, not perfect.  Long story short I hounded the story waiting for it to go on sale and clenching my CP coupons for dear life!  Well, CP as a rewards program that pays you  to shop.  My Mom LOVES CP and buys most of their gifts their & so I used the points from those receipts to rack up a $20 GC.  I had forgotten about it until it came in the mail and I immediately called the store.  They were out and I wasn't able to use the GC online.  Bummer!  But wait, she offered to call a neighboring store...SCORE!  She called back saying they indeed had one in his size & would have it shipped to their store.  This is not a policy they typically practice, but I think she was tired of me calling!  HA!  So when I went to pick up the coat and used the GC, I paid $4.59 out of pocket!  God is good indeed!

That's not all.  A little TMI, but Momma was in need of a new white bra.  I have a specific style and brand that...ahem, works for me, but is pricy (for our budget).  Again, God in his goodness sent me a Lane Bryant $15 GC that I was able to use a FREE panty coupon & 40% off coupon with!  So I walked out of the store with bra and panty and paid $5.85 for $48.50 worth of merchandise!

And last, but certainly not least I have a set of grandparents that live in New York and it's hard to send them a gift at Christmas due to budget unless we went the GC route.  I was elated to get a $40 1 800 Flowers GC that can be used at any of their online buisness' with several free shipping options!

So coupons may be work, but boy are they worth it!  I am so thankful for God's provision and that he speaks straight to my heart, sometimes through my wallet no less!

Join the GRATITUESDAY blog carnival at Heavenly'll be grateful you did!

Monday, December 7, 2009

{live} like your dying....

Learning to live this every day, week, month, year and lately moment.

Life is fleeting.  Make a memory worth retrieving.

The LORD replied, "I have forgiven them, as you asked."
Numbers 14:20

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy Sunday!

This Sunday is full of joy, but not like most.  
I'm restless and preoccupied.  
Personally, spiritually, emotionally, physically.  
Both justly and unjustly.  
But, I watch this


and I am at a...loss. of. words.

If you were moved and want to be a part take a look at how you can impact the nations this Christmas.  

Give the gift of water by being the church.

"And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward." Matthew 10:42

Happy Sunday!