
Sunday, November 22, 2009

prayer list

So I have a confession. I have stopped posting on my prayer blog because I thought no one viewed it and prayed with me. SO selfish. Furthermore, the two gals who follow me I know without a doubt pray my requests. Even more important God totally put the blog on my heart and I'm being a self centered brat not to be faithful to do it.

So what got me thinking about it? Well, I have a dry erase board on my fridge that I jot down names/topics of prayer points I wouldn't usually pray for as a reminder to pray. And in a little bit more than a week's time frame I have changed three names I had been praying for to their families, because all three people went to be with Jesus. I'm elated to know these three people are dancing in Heaven, completely whole and healed. I am also devastated for their families. Only the Lord knows the beginning and end of our lives. But, I can't shake the impact prayer provides when we are challenged and obey. I'm certain the outcome for these three lives would remain. But, I'm certain my faith and others could have been set afire and transformed, because I've encountered it first hand.

I'd love for you to join the journey. But, I know now that's not important and my obedience is. I'd love to take prayer requests from you...for you...or others you love. I'd love for you to join me as a follower on that blog to pray for those I love, too. Either way God is gracious and his gentle prodding only instills that he is in control and I am not. And for that I am grateful!

"When Solomon finished offering all this prayer and supplication to the Lord, he arose from before the Lord's altar, where he had knelt with hands stretched toward heaven." 1 Kings 8:54 Amplified

Here is the link to my Prayer Blog, thanks!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So this may be some what of a shallow post, but I'm trully greatful for my postman
(insert...hey, hey wait a minute Mr. Postman).
I'm pretty sure he has a crush on me because
early last week he dropped this zinger off for me.

I know, big whoop...I love me some Southern Living, but wait!
Hey, hold the phone I know this face on pg. 106!

Yes, folks PW came to my town. Umm, mailbox . Umm, okay she's just in the magazine, but I was SO excited!  Who's Pioneer Women??? WhAtTtT!!!!! Excuse me, please let me introduce 'THE" Pioneer Women, aka Ree Drummond, Aka Mrs. Marlboro Man...

I may have to put out a restaining order on the postman,
because he apparently doesn't know I'm married,
on account of this came later in the week.....

Oh. MY. Word.  I'm speechless....and HUNGRY!  The pages were as pretty as the glossy toy ads I drooled over as a kid!  Okay confession... I totally pre-ordered this baby from Amazon.

And it was a Christmas present to myself, but as my family can already attest...this was definitely a gift for the whole family.  I already have flour marks in the pages, which made me tear up a bit. So thank you Mr. Postman & Thank you Mr. Drummond for lending us your amazing wife!

On to some real GRATITUDE!

I love these guys!  I love our fun filled days of being home together, even when we get on each others nerves.  I love that the kids convinced me Easy Bake Oven cooking would taste DID not!  I love that we box our Daddy.  For PE.  In our house.  I love that I homeschool.  More and more everyday.  And I love that I no longer have to have a picture of my family on my desk, because I get to stare into their eyes all day long!

Join the GRATITUESDAY blog carnival at Heavenly'll be grateful you did!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Make Some Art Monday

Okay, not art in the natural sense. But, definitely art for me! To say I was excited about the outcome of this project is an UNDERSTATEMENT!!! I have had my sewing machine for a year and this is the third project I have completed. However, this is the FIRST one I've completed by myself!!!

So without further is the precious (at least I think so) outfit I made for my niece for Halloween.  (We did purchase the cute pants from Target.)

Candy Corn Girl

And with her equally precious Mommy, my sister Jackie.

So there's my art for Monday.

Now on to my super power...the ultimate craft creation...MY BABIES!

Prince Caspian on Horseback....

with Lucy in tow!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, November 1, 2009