
Monday, June 15, 2009

God is MOVING!

Edinburg was amazing! The trip consisted of families from our church connecting with the community in Edinburg and sharing the gospel. Randy and I were part of the Preschool Childcare team and assisted with families on the outreaches, as well as, at the hotel. Our little ones tagged along on outreaches and were ministered to and loved on with their age group during the day. Such an encouragement as a Mommy to see my little ones engage with a kingdom mindset. Caleb was not a bit afraid to speak to anyone at anytime! After an outreach, back at the hotel I was with one of our leaders watching kids play on the playground. As we chatted we stopped to see Caleb approach another hotel guest...a teenage boy, with a booklet explaining the gospel. Just melted my heart! Bella and Caleb both participated in a flag dance at an outreach as well. Equally heart warming. If I thought I couldn't take anymore I was wrong, because Randy was able to share his testimony to a park audience during an outreach, as well! I was feeling the pouring out of the Holy Spirit over and over for my family!

And our childcare WAS NOT babysitting! I'm pretty sure those little guys taught me more than I taught them. By the time we left I was tearing up about not being able to hold these precious little ones every day! What a delight to see God's hand on their lives. One of my favorite moments was Randy holding our dear friend's little girl for nearly 30 minutes...not sleeping just snuggling! SO SWEET!

So your prayers were not in vain, dear friends and family! As we went out to minister the community we also invited them back to our hotel for a carnival on our final night. Such a time of encouragement! We were able to see the team as a whole in action. Loving on kids, praying, ministering. Powerful move of the Holy Spirit! I was able to meet up with a family I prayed with earlier in the week, in the few days since praying for the Mom to find a job, SHE HAD!!! Thank you Jesus! I was also able to help pray with a group for a couple to receive the Lord after doing some interceding for the gentleman. As we prayed for the adults, more team members were pouring into the women's son and he also received Christ that night! WHOLE family's were transformed in Edinburg! So many of our team members had similar stories of God's faithfulness to show up. And you all were apart of that with every dollar donated and every prayer prayed. Thank you for being apart of what God is doing in our life and in Edinburg!

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