
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Like Life? Well give it...

April is National Organ Donation Month. This especially strikes a cord with me as my nephew, Carter received his gift of life May 20, 2008 with a multivisceral transplant. This included a transplant of Carter's liver, spleen, stomach, intestines, pancreas, & part of his colon. I could go on and on about what this gift has meant to my family, but I think my brother and his wife tell it best. Take a look at his website at I warn you, you WILL fall in love with him, just look how cute he is!

My sister in law said it best when she wrote, 'God doesn't want your organs, only your soul. Please consider becoming an organ donor.'

If you think you are up to the challenge visit and get registered to save someone like Carter's life. I was reminded by a news story that many people have listed that they are a organ donor on their license. Because a license is rarely seen when immediate care is being given it is important to be registered, to guarantee your gift is given in time. In this season of Easter take the gift Jesus has given us to share in the gift of life!

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leave me some love...i eat it up